Berlin Schöneberg - Friedenau Anfang der 80ziger. Viele Migranten, Sozialblocks … Dreck. Dennis Vollbrecht alias DVO wächst in einer sozialschwachen Gegend auf. Sein einziges Problem - er ist Deutscher. In einem Viertel, wo man als Minderheit gilt wenn man Deutscher ist, ist es schwer sich durchzusetzen und zu kämpfen. Aber er kämpft.
Zuerst lernt er mit den Fäusten zu kämpfen, dann mit Worten...
Sein älterer Bruder bringt den Hip Hop ins gemeinsame Kinderzimmer. Für den zehnjährigen eine Offenbarung und endlich ein Weg, seine Wut raus zu lassen. DVO entdeckt den Rap für sich. Gruppen wie Wu Tang, Onyx, Redman werden DVOs Soundtrack zum alltäglichen Überlebenskampf in den Straßen von Berlin. Er lebt und fühlt diese Musik bis in die letzte Pore seines Körpers.
Irgendwann reicht es ihm aber nicht mehr nur Zuhörer zu sein - er bringt sein Leben auf Papier. Um aus dem Sumpf von Gewalt, Schulproblemen und Drogen herauszukommen und seinem Leben eine positive Wende zu geben, sieht DVO seinen Weg in der Bundeswehr. Freiwillig meldet er sich, um in den Kosovo zu gehen. Sechs Monate noch mehr Dreck, Gewalt und Elend. Um diese unglaublichen und einschneidenden Erfahrungen zu verarbeiten und nicht verrückt zu werden, schreibt er ununterbrochen Texte.
Wieder zurück in Berlin ist die Entscheidung gefallen:
Musik wird sein Lebenselexier - Hundertprozent - Jeden Tag!
Er ist hungrig und geht auf jede Bühne, wo ein Mic offen ist. Sein Ehrgeiz bringt die ersten Erfolge. Die Leute reden über ihn, er gewinnt die ersten 1 on 1 Battle und sieht sich bestätigt...
DVO wird immer ein Rapper sein - denn Rap bedeutet für DVO Leben!
Berlin Schöneberg-Friedenau early eighties: many immigrants, public housing ... dirt. DVO grew up in the social underclass. His only problem ... he is German: In a quarter where you belong to a minority if you are German it is though to assert yourself and to fight, but he fights. First he learned to fight with his fists and then with his words. DVO discovers rap for himself He got introduced to hip hop by his older brother constantly listening in their shared bedroom. For the ten year old a revelation and a way to handle his rage. Groups like Wu-Tang, Onyx, Redman are becoming DVOs soundtracks for the daily fight of survival in the streets of Berlin. He lives and feels this music in every pore of his body. One day he was not satisfied just to listen....he outs his own life. To escape the swamp of violence, school problems, drugs and to change his life for the better he decided to join the German army. He signed up as a volunteer to go to Kosovo. Six month of more dirt, violence and misery he writes lyrics constantly to digest this incredible experiences and not to go insane. Back in Berlin he makes the decision that music becomes his elexir of life, 100 percent, each and every day. He is hungry and goes on every stage where a mike is open. His ambition creates the first results. People are talking about him. He wins the first one to one competions and feels validated. DVO will be a rapper always and for ever as rap means life for DVO.
Berlin Schöneberg-Friedenau early eighties: many immigrants, public housing ... dirt. DVO grew up in the social underclass. His only problem ... he is German: In a quarter where you belong to a minority if you are German it is though to assert yourself and to fight, but he fights. First he learned to fight with his fists and then with his words. DVO discovers rap for himself He got introduced to hip hop by his older brother constantly listening in their shared bedroom. For the ten year old a revelation and a way to handle his rage. Groups like Wu-Tang, Onyx, Redman are becoming DVOs soundtracks for the daily fight of survival in the streets of Berlin. He lives and feels this music in every pore of his body. One day he was not satisfied just to listen....he outs his own life. To escape the swamp of violence, school problems, drugs and to change his life for the better he decided to join the German army. He signed up as a volunteer to go to Kosovo. Six month of more dirt, violence and misery he writes lyrics constantly to digest this incredible experiences and not to go insane. Back in Berlin he makes the decision that music becomes his elexir of life, 100 percent, each and every day. He is hungry and goes on every stage where a mike is open. His ambition creates the first results. People are talking about him. He wins the first one to one competions and feels validated. DVO will be a rapper always and for ever as rap means life for DVO.
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